From co-bloggers

Weekly Photo Challenge: Carefree ”July, the CAREFREE Girl”

Weekly Photo Challenge: Carefree ”July, the CAREFREE Girl”.

”Nobody’s perfect in this world, we know that!  Just like my life isn’t always the brightest I don’t live a perfect life, nobody does. We are facing different struggles so we don’t have the right to judge.  Each of us has our own negative and positive sides whatsoever. If you can’t accept them, then you are not a good and trustable friend.”



Vacation Book

Colorado Winter Vacation, 2013

Hello amigos! Summer is coming to an end but Arggh… It’s freakin hot in Texas. So, I  sprinkle my day with these icy momento photos I’ve had from Colorado, below.








col0Snow is the only one I LOVE in the Winter time but I know for sure I would be freeze to death if I’ll live 24/7 in a cold place!  I mean, I’m not totally a  winter freak but experiencing summer in Tx, Man! I would love to buried myself in a land of ice. 😀 Anyways, if you are planning to go somewhere this coming winter I’ll suggest to choose this state. It is really beautiful-has 222 state wildlife areas, has the largest city park system in the nation with 205 parks in City limits and 20,000 Acres of parks in the nearby mountains. Abundant nesting and migrating birds and other native animals provide a “world-class” watchable wildlife experience. Bald eagles and other raptors, sand-hill cranes, shore birds and water birds can be seen seasonally at San Luis Lakes near Alamosa. (Literally, this is one of the Best state for educational trip, best for your kids). You plane ticket will be worth it!  visit for more info.


Golden Business


For my first post here on WordPress, I got something that will surely switch your woozy daily ramblings to Wowzy better life. Yep, I just switched my store to ”melaleuca” last August 14 and at the same time started my own business as well. I purchased something from this store and guess what? Their stuff are freakin’ affordable. And one thing I love about this company is ”YOU DON’T HAVE TO SELL ANYTHING” you READ it right! Plus, their products are all NATURALS and Chemical FREE. I enrolled my very dear friend, Derlina Olidan Kinder and I bet she’ll really lovin’ this new endearing blissful venture.  I was fascinated when Mandy Shinpaugh Macaluso introduced me this store. Aside from having  a budget friendly stuff, I can shop  with them every month, get a reward and have safe and effective products for my family. Pessimistic? Afraid that this might be a scam? Uh-oh, No-no! As a businesswoman, I have to say that I am extremely impressed with their business model. My faith in them is reaffirmed that they are a solid company that does a great business. I can tell that you’ll booze your pocket in this path. My friend Mandy, she proved it to me that this company is licit.

Click all the videos below for a sneak peek of this Store. And then fill out the contact form or leave your comment below if you guys are interested.

Melaleuca: Green From the Beginning

Melaleuca News | Oligofructose Complex Vitamin Breakthrough

Melaleuca For At Home Moms

